Thursday, July 30, 2020

Vocation Poster

In room 1 me and the whole class have been learning about vocations. The first vocation is nun the second vocation is priest,the third vocation is marriage and the last vocation is staying single and leading a religious life.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Commenting to koloa.

This is is my Comment to koloa from Christ the king school.he used some great words and also he was not shy and said it loud and clear.

My questions on the topic of water.

  • What is water Made out of (Water Is Made Out Of  Tiny Water droplets)
  • How does Water Rain Down (When the clouds can't hold anymore water it rains down)
  • When does water turn into fog (clouds turn into fog when it's close to the ground)
  • Where are rainbow created (RainBows are created When sun showers happen you can make a rainbow yourself  just by using the fine spray on a hose and watering the garden on a sunny day)
  • Why is water peaceful (water is peaceful because it can be still  and change into different shapes)
  • Who was the the person that took the photos  on the shapes of water (The person that took the pictures was called Gillian shannon)

Winter Haiku Poem

This Week Me and room 1 have been  learning how to make a hiku poem